The Opulent Mall - Ghaziabad
Currently running offers at The Opulent Mall - Ghaziabad

The Opulent Mall - Ghaziabad Stores and Restaurants
7 D Archies Gallery Bata Burger King Caprese Chunmun Dabur New U Exotic Green Spa Food Mantra Globus Hairport Haunted House Jawed Habib | Khadims Kiindo Lavie LEE Levis Mcdonalds Metro Shoes Mufti Nazeer Foods New U Numero Uno Peter England Planet Fashion | PVR Cinemas Relance Digital Reliance Footprint Samsungg Smart Cafe Sequinns Super 99 Thomas Cook Trends US Polo W Aurelia Woodland Wrangler |
The Opulent Mall - Ghaziabad Details
The Opulent Mall, a stylish shopping mall in Ghaziabad started in 2010 and a sister concern of SVP Builders India Ltd and Ganesh Infrabuild Private Limited, offers you a delicious mix of fashion, lifestyle, dining and entertainment. Architecturally superior, being in the The Opulent Mall is an experience in itself. There are also grand spaces outside where visitors could relax in and spend pointed time with their loved ones. Along with brands such as MC Donalds, Nazeer Foods, Cunmun, Motimahal, Big Bazaar, Archies, Adidas, Levis, Reliance Footprint and the kind, you also find fine dining restaurants, a 5D Cinema and PVR out here at The Opulent Mall.List of Restaurants at The Opulent Mall Ghaziabad: Burger King, Food Mantra (Food Court), McDonalds, Nazeer Foods
Gaming Zone & Entertainment at The Opulent Mall Ghaziabad: PVR Cinemas, Fun-Toon World
List of Salons in The Opulent Mall Ghaziabad: Dabur New U, Exotic Green Spa, Jawed Habib
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