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Shri Krishna Yog Center Offers in Pune

15% Discount on Yoga Monthly Fee and Yoga Teacher Course at Shri Krishna Yog Center in Pune.

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Shri Krishna Yog is a Yoga Institute founded by Shri Gyan Das Maharaja with spacious facility and an ambience conducive to meditation and contemplation. Their range of courses for both teachers and novices include Rajayog, Hatha Yoga, Bhaktlyog, Gyanyog, Meditation and Ayurveda.

15% Discount on Yoga Monthly Fee and Yoga Teacher Course at Shri Krishna Yog Center in Pune.

Offer 1: Monthly Yoga Fee
Actual Price: Rs.900
Discounted Price: Rs.765

Offer 2: Yoga Teacher Certificate course
Actual Price: Rs.24800
Discounted Price: Rs.20800

How to get Shri Krishna Yog Pune Offers:
1) Download the Pune Shri Krishna Yog Coupon to your Email. Please check the Junk Folder too.
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2) The email coupon will have the address of the Shri Krishna Yog Centre plus phone numbers.
3) Call up the Shri Krishna Yog Studio for a Booking and announce the Coupon.
4) Present the coupon before taking the service.
5) Pay the Discounted Price at the Shri Krishna Yog Centre directly.
6) For any issue before taking the service, please call UPto75.com Support Number: +91-8008887500

Shri Krishna Yog Address:
Sahyadri Colony, Opp: 10 Elite Building, Near Ram Krishna Mangal Karylaya, Near Kate Puram Road, New Sanghvi, Pune - 411027.

Shri Krishna Yog Center India Addresses and Location
T&Cs and more Info on Shri Krishna Yog Center

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1. Click on Orange colored button above. Fill the email form and the code will be sent to your email.
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Shri Krishna Yog Center offers Shri Krishna Yog Center 0 sales India

Yoga & Meditation

Yoga and Meditation form the core of Shrikrishnayog’s courses. They teach you both Rajayog and Hatha Yoga in different steps, each of which is beneficial in transforming your body, mind and soul. Yoga taught here includes Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, Kundalini Awakening Training and Kundalini Dikha. Their courses are designed not only for new yoga enthusiasts but also for those aspiring to become teachers.


The Ayurveda course at Shrikrishnayog covers both theory and practical studies of all the essential Ayurvedic practices, medicines, preparations and much more. Their syllabus includes the History of Ayurveda, an Introduction to Charak Samhita, Susharut Samhita, Wagbhat Samhita and Ashtang Ayurveda, Allied Science to Ayurveda, Body Organ Study through Ayurveda, Study of Body Mechanisms, Study of Dosha, Dhatu, & Mal, Introduction to Medicinal Plants and different ways of preparing medicines, Application of Ayurveda to daily work and Panchakarma, among others. Please share Shri Krishna Yog offer page on your social media profiles.

About Company

Shrikrishnayog, a trusted Yoga Institute founded by Shri Gyan Das Maharaja in 2000 in Pune and a part of the Salvation Group, offers you a complete range of Rajayog, Hatha Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda Courses for both novices as well as aspiring teachers. Apart from Rajayog and Hatha Yoga, they also impart knowledge on some other forms of yoga like Bhaktlyog and Gyanyog. They showcase an outstanding facility with spacious air-conditioned rooms and an ambience that is truly serene. Lifestyle Camps and Workshops also form part of their offerings. Today, Shrikrishnayog is considered Maharashtra’s No.1 Yoga Institute and grants you valued certificates and diplomas in Yoga to acknowledge your levels of learning and knowledge.

Corporate Address

Sahyadri colony, Opp: 10 elite building,Near Kate
puram road,,New Sanghvi,
Pune, India 411027
Website: http://shrikrishnayog.com/

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