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PaintBall X Offers in Bengaluru

Group Booking Up to Rs.100 Discount at PaintBall X in Akshaynagar, Bengaluru.

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It is India's largest professional paintball arena, set in Bangalore. Apart from training for international and national level tournaments, their fun packages for

Corporates, Outdoor and Birthday Parties, allow you to enjoy and spend memorable times with their loved ones.

Group Booking Up to Rs.100 Discount at PaintBall X in Akshaynagar, Bengaluru.

Offer 1: Starter Package at Rs.350 Per Person Including Taxes
50 PaintBalls Per Person

Offer 2: Basic Package at Rs.500 Per Person Including Taxes.
100 PaintBalls Per Person

Offer 3: Advance Package (150 PaintBalls Per Person)
Actual Price: Rs.700 Per Person
Discounted: Rs.675 Per Person Including Taxes. (Minimum 8 members required to avail this offer)

Offer 4: Pro Package (200 PaintBalls Per person)
Actual Price: Rs.900 Per Person
Discounted: Rs.850 Per Person Including Taxes. (Minimum 8 members required to avail this offer)

Offer 5: Super Pro Package (250 PaintBalls Per person)
Actual Price: Rs.1100 Per Person
Discounted: Rs.1000 Per Person Including Taxes. (Minimum 8 members required to avail this offer)

Starter Package (Rs.350/50 Pb) not Available on Saturday and Sunday

  • Advance Booking Mandatory.
  • Only 8 Slots Available Per Day.
  • Your Time Slot Begins at the Time Booked and not When You Arrive.
  • Please Arrive 30 Mins Early. Changing into Gears and Team Briefing Takes 15 - 20 Mins.
  • Minimum Age to Play: 12 Years.
  • Minimum Team Size to Play: 4 Players.
  • Your Team Could be Clubbed with Other Teams if Played Numbers is Less than 8
  • All Prices are Including Taxes

    Slot Timings:
    First Slot: 10 - 11 AM
    Last Slot: 5 - 6 PM

    Valid On: All Days

    How to use the PaintBall X Bengaluru Offers:
    1) Download the Coupon to your Email. Please check the Junk Folder too.
    Note: UPto75.com Vouchers are always Free. No need to buy.
    2) The email will have their Address and phone numbers.
    3) Call them up for an Appointment and tell them that you have an email from UPto75.com.
    4) Present the email before taking the service.
    5) Pay the Price after the discount to them directly.
    6) For any issue before taking the service, please call UPto75.com Support Number: +91-8008887500

    Address of the PaintBall X Arena in Akshaynagar:
    #373/5, Western Avenue, DLF Newtown, Akshaynagar, Bangalore - 560068

    PaintBall X India Addresses and Location
    T&Cs and more Info on PaintBall X

    How to download PaintBall X coupons on UPto75.com

    1. Click on Orange colored button above. Fill the email form and the code will be sent to your email.
    2. Before you visit, please check with PaintBall X, if you have any questions regarding the deal.
    3. Once you are at merchant place, show the email before the order is placed.
    4. If coupon is not being honored, contact UPto75.com Support.
    This Offer is exclusive to UPto75.com Users.

    About Company

    Paintball X, Indias largest professional paintball arena started in 2011 and based in Akshay Nagar, Bangalore, offers you a wide assortment of paintball game options depending on your budgets, groups, interests and more. Setting the stage for you to have fun with your loved ones is indeed their greatest priority and hence packages such as Corporate, Outdoor, Birthday Parties and more give customers a wide range of choices to pick from. Furthermore, they also have advanced and beginner teams who are coached to perfection and prepared for international and national level tournaments. In fact, it has even started its own local and international tournaments to encourage the game as a potential sport! The space is extensive, well-equipped, safe and a perfect ambience to bond in with all your favourite people.


    10 AM to 6 PM

    Corporate Address

    #373/5, Western Avenue, DLF Newtown,
    Bengaluru, India 560083
    Website: https://www.paintballx.co.in/

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