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A leading online magazine and bookstore started in 2011 and headquartered in New York, Magzter offers you a treasure house of digital magazines under a wide array of categories. You will find content from over 1500 leading publishers and more than 4000 magazines to select from. Being a self-service newsstand, publishers can easily use some special tools to upload their products on the platform. There are also individual branded apps that publishers and service providers can employ to stay in touch with their audiences, 24/7. Customers can buy all their favourite magazines online and have them downloaded to their Apple, Android, Windows or any other devices effortlessly and effectively. Categories available online include Animals & Pets, Art, Cooking, Culture, Entertainment, Fashion, Music, Photography, Travel, Home & Lifestyle, Weddings, Business, Celebrity, Science, Sports, Technology, Health, Politics, Property, Flying and Aviation, Education, Children’s Mags and Comics
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