The Men Within & If You Love Someone
Indialog Publications is print publishing house with literary books of merit to its credit from New Delhi.Was established in 2001-01 with support of technology company, and Ozdocs International software development unit based in Australia and headed by Dr. Pramod Pandey, the Chief Technology Officer. Webcommerece (I) Pvt. Ltd., is offshore work site for Ozdocs International based in New Delhi. The company is a member of the Software Technology Parks of India.
Indialog Publications is an Indian publishing venture which markets online through its official website and it publishes books on literary merit and also markets books by other International publishers.
It has so far published Indian writers and poets .It has brought out collections of Makarand Paranjape, Vihang Naik, Sudeep Sen, Sukrita Paul Kumar , Kiran Nagarkar, William Radice , among other literary and critical texts.
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