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Thyrocare Offers - Aarogyam C Package at Rs.1699

Lowest Offer Price of Rs.1699 from Thyrocare for this Aarogyam C Package with Vitamin D and B12.

Offer End Date Mar 31, 2026

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Limited Perod Deal:
If you came here in search of Aarogyam C, suggest you to go for Winter Advanced Package.
It has 74 tests except testosterone. Same 70 tests plus Serum Zinc, Serum Copper, Cystatin, Blood Ketone and Fructosamine.
For Details Winter Advanced Package.

For any help or more details please call +91 9550407878.

Aarogyam C Health Checkup profile is the most popular. The package has 70 important parameters including Vitamin D and B12 and a low offer price of Rs.1699 after 45% Discount.

Aarogyam C Package Price:
Number of Tests: 74
Regular Price: Rs.2199 per person
Offer Price: Rs.1699 per person

Note: Above price is inclusive of all charges. No extra sample collection charges.

Note: Link opens in a New TAB

For any HELP, please Call: +91-9550407878.

List of 74 tests in Aarogyam C Package.
  • Liver Function (LFT) - (12)
  • Lipid Profile (Cholesterol) - (10)
  • Renal Profile (Kidney Function - KFT) - (7)
  • Thyroid (T3, T4, TSH) - (3)
  • Iron Deficiency - (4)
  • Diabetic Screen - (2)
  • Complete Blood Picture (Hemogram) - (28)
  • Vitamin D (25-OH Vitamin D Total)
  • Vitamin B12
  • Testosterone.
  • CARDIAC RISK MARKERS (5) - APO B / APO A1 RATIO (APO B/A1), APOLipoprotein - A1 (APO-A1), APOLipoprotein - B (APO-B), High Sensitive C-Reactive Protein (HS-CRP), Lipoprotein (A) [LP(A)]

    To know the individual tests in each sub profile like Liver, Lipid, Kidney, etc C L I C K H E R E

    Click here for Entire List of Thyrocare Packages and Tests.
    Note: A Google Sheet will open.

    How to do the Thyrocare Aarogyam C Booking?
    Step 1:Book your test by F I L L I N G T H E F O R M. Note: Link opens in a New TAB
    Step 2: Thyrocare Lab will call you on the contact number provided in less than 5 business hours to book an appointment.
    Step 3: The Laboratory will send its technician to your doorstep for home sample collection..
    Step 4: Payment - You need to Pay Rs.1540 through online link sent to you.
    Step 5: Reports will be emailed to you in 48 hrs. For hardcopy pay extra Rs.75. Reports will be sent to you by courier in 3-5 days time.

    An Even Lower Cost option than C Package
    The Winter Basic Profile just costs Rs.950 all inclusive. It does not have 5 Cardiac Risk Markers, T3, T4 and Testosterone. But it has all remaining ones including Vit D, B-12 and Electrolytes.
    For more details of Winter Basic Click Here

    Things Required for Health Checkup Profile::
    Blood Sample.
    10-12 Hrs of Fasting required. You can have water but no coffe or tea.

    Contact Numbers For Help:
    If you have difficulty in filling up the form please call +91-9550407878 .
    If Prescription is not clear, please Whatsapp it to :+91-9550407878

    Click here for Entire List of Thyrocare Packages and Tests.
    Note: A Google Sheet will open

    Centre Visit: We can book a centre visit at these Pin Codes.
    Please note the same rates mentioned above will be applicable. For centres in other pincodes normal menu rates will be applicable.
    You can visit the centre on the same day as soon as the booking is done. No need to wait for the technician to visit the next day.

    Technicians Self-Hygiene

    Collection done with the following preventive measures:
  • Temperature Check before leaving for Collection
  • Hand Sanitization
  • Gloves and Face Masks
  • Self Assessment with help of Aarogya Setu App

    Thyrocare India Addresses and Location
    Where are the centres located? Where can I go and give the sample?
    It has collection centres in more than 1000 cities and towns. It has 4 Testing Laboratories in Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Hyderabad. You can go to either those collection centres or use Home service provided by them.

    Home Sample Collection? How does the whole process work?
    Yes. You got to first book an appointment. Once it is fixed, their technicians will visit you within plus or minus 30 minutes range of the time given. The samples are couriered on the same day by the service provider to the nearest centre. The laboratory will email you the reports typically in 24-60 hours.

    What about the printed copy of the reports?
    If you need the same then you got to pay Rs.75. The laboratory will courier the same within 4 to 5 days from the date results are generated.

    How trustworthy are these test reports?
    It is a NABL Certified Lab. NABL is the highest certification one can receive in India. It is in this business for close to 20 years. It is a Bombay Stock Exchange listed company. It does more than 50000 investigations daily. The reports are in 100% accordance with the regulatory bodies.

    Why are the Prices so low?
    Good Question. The simple reason being their overhead costs are very low. It processes large volume daily. They work 24x7 all days. Its utilization of their machines is maximum. The process is totally automated at their and because of which costs are low.

    Would my samples get mixed with somebody else?
    No. All are barcoded right immediately.

    Can I book for the same day?
    No. You got to book at least one day before. If you want to give your blood on the same day, then please go to the nearest centre in your city.

    Can I get an appointment on Sunday?
    Yes and No. Appointments are given on Sunday in all major cities and towns where couriers work.

    Does it work on Holidays in my city?
    Yes. If the courier that it uses works on that Holiday.

    I am from a small town. How long before I need to book?
    If you are in a small town then we advise you to book at least 3 days before.

    How early I get an appointment?
    Slots start as early as 5.30 AM.

    I need to get the reports on urgent basis by tomorrow? I have an appointment with Doctor tomorrow?
    Only for the people of Mumbai this facility is available by paying Rs.300 more. For all other cities, there is no separate process for urgent ones. All will go through the same queue. If you need a test report on immediate basis, we advise you to get done through a local reputed laboratory.

    Where can I get the their Pricelist?
    Please click on the link above - List of All Packages and Tests Prices. We tried to give the most important ones. A google sheet opens and it lists all currently available ones along with their prices. These prices may get updated very frequently. Get to know the exact price before you book.

    How do I book a Test?
    Please fill up the Booking Form above to avail Thyrocare Offers. You can choose the ones that you are interested in. You may also choose Individual ones too.

    Or you can club a profile with mulitple individual blood tests.

    Then what happens?
    An order gets generated. You will get an EMail and SMS. And also an online payment link.
    Then in typically in 4 to 6 business hours, you may get a call from Call Centre to fix up a convenient time.
    Or it may assign the technician automatically without talking to you.
    You will get the details such a visit date and time, the technician name and number.
    You may call the technician to double check the time of visit and if he is clear on driving directions.

    I have a Coupon, how do I use it?
    You can call us up. We generally try to give a better price than the coupon

    I would like to make changes to Order I placed?
    Yes, you can. But please let us know a few hours in advance by making a call before the slot time.

    Later, Can I add one more person to Thyrocare Profile I have chosen?
    Yes, provided you call us at the time or before the executive visits you.

    I go very early to the office? Is it possible to arrange the pickup from my office?
    Yes, in that case give your workplace address. But, please ensure that the technician is allowed in the office. Please note that technician maybe unwilling to provide the service at most of the offices as they are required to go through unnecessary hassles and take lot of time.

    How do I make the payment?
    You need to make payment online through the payment link sent to your email and mobile. We advise you to wait till the technician is at your place. You need to pay through online payment link and cash will not be accepted.

    Do I get a Receipt for the Payment made?
    Yes. A soft copy if it will be emailed to you.

    I need a hardcopy of the Receipt. Will it be provided?
    No. Only softcopies are sent. If you require the hardcopy the Service Provider may give from their end. Please check with them.

    Will I get tax benefits by getting this done?

    Do I get a Consultation from them once the reports are ready?
    No. It does not provide any consultation. You have to consult your Doctor for the same. However, most of the Reports are self-explanatory. All Reports carry the individual test results and the normal value range for the same. If any result is out of the normal range, those results are highlighted in bold in the report.

    Are Thyrocare Offers available for Couple?
    Yes. On and off. They maybe one plus one deal or the prices will be reduced if there is more than one person.

    How long the deals will be applicable?
    The company believes in giving you the best rates possible. Not to worry, the deals will continue to run.

    What is so special with this Thyrocare Aarogyam C package?
    It has 69 important ones including two Vitamins. And no other laboratory provides so many parameters at such low prices.

    If I add Complete Urine Analysis to this package, will the technician bring the container as well?

    How to cancel or reschedule the booking?
    You need to let us know the night before to do the same. Please write an email to the lab or call us on +91-9550407878

    Does the technician follow all the Government prescribed precautions?
    Yes. Please read up the Technician Hygiene informaiton we have provided on the top.

    Tax Planning for Financial year 2021-22
    Under Section 80D the Taxpayer one can claim tax benefits up to Rs 5000 if you avail preventive health check-up for self, parents, children, and spouse.
    So if you go for Aarogyam C package for the entire family, you can deduct the entire amount from the taxable income.
    T&Cs and more Info on Thyrocare

    Terms and Conditions

    Same day Aarogyam C Booking for Home Collection is possible now for most of the pincodes.



    Thyrocare offers

    Thyrocare Aarogyam C Package vs 1.3

    Both these health checkups are nearly same. 1.3 has additionally these parameters - Homocystiene, Zinc, Copper, Cystatin and additionally 22 toxic elements. The C package is pure value for money and is the most popular.

    Aarogyam C Test vs B

    B is a 61 parameter profile, while C has 64. Aarogyam C offers additionally two important Vitamins, Vitamin D and B-12 apart from testosterone. Please share this page with your friends and family members.

    Centres and Labs

    It has 4 testing labs in Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Kolkata. It has collection centres in these near me big cities Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai, Gurgaon, Jaipur, Lucknow, Noida, Pune and Tier 1 & II cities such as Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Coimbatore, Faridabad, Indore, Nagpur, Patna, Vadodara, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam, etc). It is easy to use book test online and avail thyrocare offers.

    About Company

    Thyrocare Technologies Limited is a proven leader in the Indian Diagnostic Industry. Started by A. Velumani in 1995 in Navi Mumbai is now public listed company. It has established benchmarks in standards of quality through a unique blend of economy, speed, reach, efficiency, accuracy and technology. It has presence in more than 2000 cities / towns in India and internationally. Currently it has regional processing labs in Delhi, Hyderabad and Kolkata and with a Central Processing Lab in Mumbai. It uses a franchisee model for procuring samples with a network of more than 20,000 service centres around the country. It was instrumental in making world class diagnostic services available in every nook and corner of the country. Tthey render their services at costs that anyone and everyone can afford.It has certifications from ISO 9001-2008, NABL (National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories) and College of American Pathologists (CAP) accreditations.

    Things Happening at Thyrocare

    27.Mar-2020: First Private Diagnostic Lab to be approved by ICMR for Covid 19 testing
    17.Feb-2020: Launches blood-based cancer screening profile under a marketing joint venture with Datar Cancer Genetics
    01.07-2016: Plans to launch 6 Regional Processing Laboratories.
    09.05-2016: Gets publicly listed with maiden IPO
    04.05-2015: Forays into water testing services with brand name Whaters.
    16.06-2014: Gets into cancer diagnostics with Nueclear Healthcare.
    14.03-2014: Acquires Aptio automation solution of Siemens
    2007: Certified by The College of American Pathologists (CAP) for meeting global standards of quality and competence
    2005: Accredited by NABL (National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories) for the global standards of Quality

    Corporate Address

    D-37/1, MIDC, Turbhe, Opp Sandoz, Navi Mumbai
    Mumbai, India 400703
    Phone Number: 91-22-27622762

    Got the tests done for myself and my husband at a good rate of Rs.1200 each. The team was professional and efficient
    Alok Gupta

    The home service is amazing and customer-centric. From the time of booking, the updates were regular over Whatsapp.
    Shailesh Patil

    The booking experience is seamless. The blood collection is done by a trained technician. The reports are delivered to email
    G Lalitha

    Booked this profile along with ferritin at a good rate.

    The package has all important tests including vitamins. Here I got the lowest price with home sample collection in Delhi

    This is a well designed full body health checkup at an affordable rate. Got the service at home in Hyderabad.

    Was looking for 1+1 offer at a reasonable rate. Though it is not available this package was still right for a couple.
    A Tiwari

    Was looking for good value for money offer in Bangalore. This one has all - Vitamin D, B12, LFT, KFT, Lipid and more.
    G Sanath

    Opted for home sample collection for this preventive health checkup in Bangalore. Cost was just right.
    Venkatesh R

    Booked this health checkup in Mumbai at a discount. The rate was the lowest I found on the net,
    Lata C

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