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Reflections Offers in Bengaluru

Pay Rs.499 for services worth Rs.3000 at Refelctions, Bangalore.

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*As per the information provided to us on 07/10/2014 this business is closed and no longer operational. Please check out our other Health & Beauty Offers: Health & Beauty Deals in Bangalore

Reflections India Addresses and Location
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How to download Reflections coupons on UPto75.com

1. Click on Orange colored button above. Fill the email form and the code will be sent to your email.
2. Before you visit, please check with Reflections, if you have any questions regarding the deal.
3. Once you are at merchant place, show the email before the order is placed.
4. If coupon is not being honored, contact UPto75.com Support.
This Offer is exclusive to UPto75.com Users.

About Company

Reflections, a leading Women’s Slimming and Beauty Care Lounge in Bangalore, is an exclusive salon that offers a comprehensive range of services in Hair Care, Body Care and Skin Care. Reflections has a team of professionals who come with vast experience and high qualifications. Reflections Bangalore promises a well-maintained and hygienic environment with State-of-the-art equipment and facilities. Services offered include Facials, Pedicure, Manicure, Waxing, Massages, Hair Spa and Hair Cut to name a few. What makes reflections special is the personalized and customized care it offers its customers. Each individual need is identified and the most appropriate solution is offered even if it is as simple as a haircut

Corporate Address

#1&2, 3RD Floor,Munnekolal,Silver Spring
Bengaluru, India 560037

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