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Body Contouring
Body Contouring involves surgical procedures to alter different parts of your body. At Cosmesis India, you can go for a variety of such surgeries including Liposuction, Lipocontouring, Breast Uplift, Breast Enlargement, Breast Reduction, Tummy Tuck, Buttock Enlargement and Calf Enlargement. These are all major surgeries and require adept surgeons to do it effectively. At Cosmesis, they have a great team of experts who will first discuss the pros and cons of each procedure before conducting the surgery. They have had a success rate that is incomparable.
Facial Contouring
Facial Contouring, a process undertaken to enhance or change features on your face, is probably the most popular these days. At Cosmesis, this includes Nose Reshaping, Lip Enlargement, Lip Reduction, Chin Enlargement, Cheek Implants, Fat Filling for Face, Bat Ear Correction and Double Chin Correction. All the procedures are safe, reliable and tested. So if you have any plans of doing one, Cosmesis India is your choice.
Hair Transplants
Cosmesis brings to you the perfect solution for safe, permanent and affordable hair transplants sans any scars, stitches or cuts. They help you restore your hair in such a manner that no-one can identify your original hairline or grafts. The process they follow is extensive and error-free. The surgeon locates the best follicles, ones having 2 to 4 hairs, from the back of the head and transfers them to the bald areas. They use small punches less than 1mm to avoid cuts. The scars are barely seen after a week and your hair looks absolutely stunning.
Suite # 213, 2nd Floor EVA mall
60, Brigade Road
Bengaluru, India 560025