Coding Blocks Online Courses
A stunning selection of online courses are offered by them to help you at every stage of your career. Some of these include Interview Prep Bootcamp, Interview Prep Course, Launchpad - C++ (Basic to Advanced), ALGO++ (Advanced DS & ALGO In C++), Java (DS & ALGO), Advanced DS & ALGO, Java, Web Development (NODEJS), Competitive Programming, Machine Learning, Android Dev (Java & Kotlin), Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced and Deep Learning 01 - Neural Networks. If you are a prospective coder, this is perfect to cruise you effortlessly through your internships and job opportunities at top companies. Your foundation will be set to perfection here. For experienced coders, it is highly effective to learn new technologies and implement them in a short period of time. Moreover, the more you learn, the better are your chances of growth!
Coding Blocks Live Classes
Live classes are highly popular today and this replicates the experience of actually being in a classroom with your favourite teachers while also giving you the convenience of your own space! The schedules, timings, mentors and more are the same as any actual classroom course, but this can be taken without going to the centre! You can get your doubts cleared as well and interact with the trainers and other students. Now, if you cannot attend one of these live classes, you could even go back and watch each session, recorded for later reference. Live classes cover a wide range of subjects including DS & ALGO With C++, DS & ALGO with Java, Data Science, NODEJS Fullstack Web, Interview Preparation, Live ALGO.Java - Data Structures & Algorithms - Apr 2020 and Live ALGO++ Apr 2020. Please share this Coding Blocks Coupon page with your friends and your socilal media profiles.
Coding Blocks Classroom Training
Under classroom training, they have courses for all levels, combining theory with implementation! Their menu of courses are meant for all levels and ages of people and this includes topics such as Industrial Training, Code4Kids, Mathsgeeks, C++ For Beginners / Launchpad, Java for Beginners / CRUX, Python App Development, Android Fullstack Web (NODEJS), Web Development (Django - Python), Web Backend (Advanced Java), Unity Game Development, ALGO++, ALGO. Java, Machine Learning, Data Science, Competitive Programming, Interview Preparation and more. There are also various bootcamps offered on subjects like REACTJS, Blockchain, Machine Learning, Chatbots, Angular, Game Development and Open Source.
1st Floor, 47, Nishant Kunj,
Main Pitampura Road
Delhi, India 110034