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Cleardekho Coupons

Offers and ClearDekho Coupons on its online eyewear shopping store.

Offer End Date Feb 28, 2027

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It is a retailer of eyewear with stores across India. Their products include men’s and women’s eyeglasses & sunglasses, reading glasses, contact lenses and solutions.

Latest ClearDekho Coupons and Offers on its Online Shopping Store
Total Number of Cleardekho Offers and Coupons - 47

T&Cs and more Info on Cleardekho


You can choose your eyeglass by first picking the preferred shape. They have various shapes categorised into heads like Cat-Eye, Clubmaster, Oval, Rectangular, Round and Wayfarer. You can further filter your search based on rating, gender, style, size and brand. It showcases a grand range of brands including their own in-house one. Some of these are B&W, Brave Heart, Drift, Elite, Estee, Fancy, Fantasy, Fashion, Flertin, Headline, Ikon, Jacklin, Leo, Lexuz, Menking, Midun, ocnik, Odyssey, Pepper, Phice, Rafles, Selfie, SHY, Sonsy, SPIKE, Takzar, Teenager, TMB, Tom Hardy, TUM, Vanni and Wonder.

Sunglasses & Reading Glasses

Like eyeglasses, sunglasses are also a feature on their online shopping site. Be it Full-Rim, Sporty Broad, Trendy Normal, Trendy Slim or any other, count on them to give you varieties that are exclusive. Pick your favourite brand, size and style. They have a good collection for for both men and women. It also has full rim and half rim reading glasses of different brands that you could choose based on your power.

Contact Lenses and Solutions

It has some of the finest brands in contact lenses that are coloured and colourless, and that can be disposable daily, monthly, fortnightly or yearly based on the type. Some brands available are Alcon, Bausch & Lomb, Cooper Vision, Johnson & Johnson and Silk Lens. Browse through their collection and find the one that most complements you.

About Company

ClearDekho, a trusted retailer of eyewear, offers you a complete assortment of glasses and lenses at affordable rates. Be it the simpler ones or the more advanced blue ray, anti-reflective glasses and the kind, you could count on them to give you choices that are unique, efficient and stylish. They have stores across the country along with an online presence that is much sought-after. All you need to do is log on to their portal, pick your favourite shapes, colours, types & features, order online and wait for it to be delivered to you right at your doorstep. Products available on their online shopping store include men’s and women’s eyeglasses & sunglasses, reading glasses, contact lenses and solutions.

Main Cleardekho Offers and Coupons at a Glance

Product Description Cleardekho Offer Price
Men Eye Glasses Starting atRs.199
Full Rim Eyeglasses Starting atRs.299
Women Eye Glasses Starting atRs.199
Avaitor Eye Glasses Starting atRs.299
Men Computer GlassesUp to 40% Off
Premium Eye GlassesUp to 45% Off
Premium Sun GlassesUp to 55% Off
Men Sunglasses Starting atRs.199
Women SunglassesUp to 60% Off

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Cleardekho Coupons