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Talwalkars Coupons - Reduce by Talwakars

Talwalkars Offer: 30% Discount on REDUCE Weight Loss Program.

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A Perfect, Customizable & Flexible way to achieve Effective Loss and fall in love with yourself all over again, REDUCE Promises:

1) Customizable Meal Plans at Home/Office.
2) Monitoring & Motivation by Experts.
3) Fibre Rich, Ready to Eat Natural Food to Facilitate the Process.
4) Suitable for People with Diabetes, PCOD, Thyroid etc.
5) Personalized to suit your Lifestyle.

Offer:30% Discount on Reduce Weight Loss Program at your Doorstep from Talwalkars.

Package Details:
1) Reduce Upto 4 kgs:
Actual Price - Rs.9000
Discounted Price - Rs.6300

2) Reduce Upto 12 kgs:
Actual Price - Rs.27,000
Discounted Price - Rs.19,000

To Avail this Discount, Give a Missed Call to +91 9222200500 or Email your Name, Contact no. and Package Details to reduce@talwalkars.net

>>Click here to go checkout: Talwalkars Reduce Weight Loss Offer
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‘Reduce’ Programmes

Reduce is an easy healthy weight loss programme to address obesity. It is mainly based on diet control. They do not encourage starvation, constant check-ups or strenuous exercises to cause you to lose calories. On the other hand, they offer you simple nutritious food choices that are delicious and do not change your eating patterns in so obvious a manner that you get wary of it. So even if you on a hectic schedule with work and home, getting slim is effortless and fun! They have different programmes to suit your body types. So choose the right one and be ready to look slim and hot in no time!. Please share Talwalkars discount coupon page on your social media profiles.

Online Calculators

In order to help you keep track of your weight loss, BMI or other aspects of health without having to make frequent visits to the clinic, Talwalkars offer you online calculators. You can find your BMI Index, Calories burned, Heart Rate, Ideal Weight, Body Fat and Basal Metabolic Rate. It is easy, convenient and in no way affecting your work or schedules in any way!

Healthy Recipes

In order to enjoy a nutritious and low calorie diet, you can check out the list of recipes offered online Talwalkars. They have something for you to try each day, food that are tasty and healthy at the same time. They not only look good and tempting in the pictures but also taste lip-smacking yummy when cooked! Be assured that you will not miss your earlier ‘rich’ diet at all!

About Company

Talwalkars Better Value Pvt Ltd (TBVF), more popularly known as Talwalkars, is one of the largest health centre chains in India. With over 130 ultramodern branches spread over all the major cities in the country and with a count of more than 1,25,000 members, the group is fast gaining monopoly in their line of affairs. A healthy body is the perfect compliment to a brilliant mind. Building a strong masculine physique or a graceful feminine figure, Talwalkars has a complete health club to help you achieve your fitness objectives. A team of qualified fitness instructors, medical specialists, and the latest international equipment synergise to give you the best fitness experience in the country. They have also introduced “Reduce” which is an easy healthy weight loss solution.

Corporate Address

95 K, Khatau Mansion, Oomer Park,
Bhulabhai Desai Road, Warden Road
Mumbai, India 400016
Website: http://www.talwalkars.net

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