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Snow City Offers - Rs.50 OFF

Rs.50 Discount on Entry Ticket Prices at Snow City Bangalore

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It is an Indoor Theme Park in Bangalore with Eco-Friendly Snow. Yes, you heard it right it is made from drinking water. You can experience a -5 Degree
Centrigrade right here in Bangalore. You get Basket Ball, Dance Floor, Castle, Toboggan Rides and more.

ಉಚಿತ ಕೂಪನ್ ಬಳಸಿ ಹಣ ಉಳಿಸಿ ಕೂಪನ್ ಪಡೆಯಲು ಮೇಲೆ ಇರುವ ಕೆoಪು ಬಟನ್ ಒತ್ತಿ

Entry Fee Offer: Rs.50 Off per Head when you Buy at their Booking Counters.

Advantage of Using UPto75.com Coupons
1) They are absolutely free.
2) Convenience. Buying of buying tickets at the Counters using Cash or Card
3) No hassles of cancellation if there is a change in plans.
4) 1000s had used the coupons over last 6 years without any issue.

The Ticket Price Per Person Per Session:
Offer 1: For Weekdays / Non-Holidays:
Actual Price: Rs.550 Including Taxes
Discount Price for UPto75.com Customers: Rs.500 Including Taxes (Final Price)

Offer 2: For Weekends / Festivals / Holidays:
Actual Cost: Rs.650 Including Taxes
For UPto75.com Customers: Rs.600 Including Taxes (Final Price).

On each ticket, you will save Rs.50. If the group is 5, total savings will be Rs.250.

Note: Free Admission for Kids with a height below 76 cm (2 feet 6 inches).

How to get Snow City Offers:
1) Download the Free Coupons to your EMail by clicking on Orange Button (Scroll Up for the same).
Note: UPto75.com Coupons are always Free. No need to buy.
2) Produce the Email at the Booking counters before you buy by paying the discounted amount. You CANNOT use these codes to buy online.
3) Either Email on Mobile or Printout of the Email would do.
4) For each person one coupon is required. Ex: For a group of 5, enter 5 in the Number of Persons field.
5) You can download up to 10 at a time. For more, download again.
6) For any information or H E L P, please click on Red Bar below titled HELP and FAQs

Park Attractions:
1. Real Snowfall
2. Toboggan Rides
3. Rafting
4. Dance Floor
5. Basketball
6. Rock Climbing
7. Ice Igloo
8. Cafe

Timings: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Each Session is around 45 Minutes
For Session Timings, please see the attachment under Click Here for T&Cs and more Info.

1) Mobiles are not allowed inside.
2) Guests have to Wear Good Thick Cotton / Woolen Socks before entering the Zone.
3) Please allow 15 - 30 minutes after purchasing the Entry Passes to get ready with winter wear before the session begins.
4) Shoes, Jackets & Gloves are provided and are included in the ticket cost. Socks are available on sale for Rs.40.

Hire Charges:
Camera - Rs 50/-
Locker - Rs 50/-

Fun World Complex, Opposite TV Tower, JC Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560006

Snow City India Addresses and Location
Please Read These Before You Call UPto75.com Support.
For FAQs in Kannada please scroll below.

1: I want Bangalore Snow City Tickets
This is UPto75.com site. You get Coupons for FREE here.

2: What is the use of them?
You get Rs.50 off for each person. Show the Email at Purchase Counters and pay the discounted price at the counter. You cannot use these codes to buy online.

3: How to get them to my Email?
There is an orange button Click to get Free....

4: What are the ticket prices?
Timings and Fare mentioned on the deal page.

5: For a group how many coupons do I need to take?
At a time you will get maximum 10. If you are a group of 15, enter 10 in the form and submit. Again enter 5 in the form.

6: Till when the vouchers are valid.
Expiry date will be mentioned on the deal page and on the email as well.

7: Do I need to take the printout of the email?
One printout of the email is enough or show it on the mobile at the Booking Office

8: How long will be one session?
Each session will be 30 minutes. No need to pre-book the session.

9: Where can I get session timings?
Please look for the attachement under Click here for T&Cs and more Info.

10: Do I need to bring any clothes and accessories
Costumes will be provided

11: Can we take our Mobiles inside?
No. Mobiles are not allowed. Cameras are permitted by paying a fee of Rs. 50 per camera

If you have any other query, please call on:

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ನೀವು ಕೋಡನ್ನು ಆನ್ಲೈನ್ ನಲ್ಲಿ ಟಿಕೆಟ್ ಕೊಳ್ಳಲು ಬಳಸುವಹಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.

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ಒಂದು ಸಮಯದಲ್ಲಿ ನೀವು 10 ಕೂಪನ್ ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಬಹುದು. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಗುಂಪಿನಲ್ಲಿ 15 ಮಂದಿ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ, ಮೊದಲಿಗೆ ಫಾರಂನಲ್ಲಿ 10 ಕೂಪನ್ ಎಂಟರ್ ಮಾಡಿ ಸಲ್ಲಿಸಿ. ನಂತರ 5 ದನ್ನು ಫಾರಂನಲ್ಲಿ ಎಂಟರ್ ಮಾಡಿ.

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ಇಲ್ಲ .. ಮೊಬೈಲ್ ಗಳಿಗೆ ಅನುಮತಿ ಇಲ್ಲ . ಕ್ಯಾಮರಾ ಗಳಿಗೆ ಅನುಮತಿ ಇದೆ ಆದರೆ ಪ್ರತಿ ಕ್ಯಾಮರಾಗೆ 50 ರೂಪಾಯಿ ಕಟ್ಟಬೇಕು.

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T&Cs and more Info on Snow City

Terms and Conditions

1. The Group must report 30 minutes prior to the session timings so that all necessary arrangements can be made.
2. Guests shall not be allowed with mobile phones, Tiffin boxes, hand bags or any other thing inside. Mobile phones can be deposited in the specific counter free of charge.
3. Every camera to be used inside will be charged, however we have our camera person available for Instant Photography
4. Management is not responsible for loss of any belongings of the guests.
5. We suggest all the Guests to wear woolen or sports socks while entering inside.
6. The Camera/Mobile Entry Pass is Available For Rs 50/- Per Camera/Mobile.
7. Limited Safety Lockers are available for Rent of Rs 50/- Per Locker.
8. Beware of the slippery areas inside.
9. Follow all the instructions given at the time of entry.
10. Above rates are Applicable Till 31st March 2020 Only.


Session Timings

How to download Snow City coupons on UPto75.com

1. Click on Orange colored button above. Fill the email form and the code will be sent to your email.
2. Before you visit, please check with Snow City, if you have any questions regarding the deal.
3. Once you are at merchant place, show the email before the order is placed.
4. If coupon is not being honored, contact UPto75.com Support.
This Offer is exclusive to UPto75.com Users.

Snow City offers Snow City 0 sales India

Things to do at Snow Park

You can have loads of fun watching real snowfall, rafting and rock climbing. Things that can keep you busy are features like the Toboggan Rides, Dance Floor, Basketball, the Ice Igloo and the Café that can keep you occupied here. This is the time to eat, fight, dance, play and have the best time of your lives with family and friends in a space that is unique and different!

Group and Birthday Party Packages

Apart from regular visits, you could also opt for packages that offer discounted group rates. For Corporate Events with a minimum of 25 people, School Trips taking at least 50 kids, Birthday Parties, Festivals, Functions or even a group of Tourists, there are special and attractive rates that are far below normal! Check them out and plan your trip for a day filled with fun!.

About Company

It is one of Asia’s largest indoor theme parks and based in Bangalore and offers you a completely fun-packed family experience on eco-friendly edible snow at sub-zero temperatures. They have a fantastic range of activities for you including toboggan rides, rock climbing, basketball, a fantasy castle and even a dance floor for you to unwind on. You can even celebrate your birthdays, anniversaries or festivals out here in unique style! Suitable for people of all types and ages, Snow City is now one of the most popular tourist destinations in Bengaluru.


Opens at 10.00 AM
Closes at 8.00 PM
Session Timing: 45 Minutes
Note: Last Entry at 07:30 PM

Things Happening at Snow City

2012: They are a National Award Winner for Best Innovative Attraction Park in INDIA for 2012

Corporate Address

Jayamahal, Fun World Complex,
Opposite TV Tower, J C Nagar,
Bengaluru, India 560006
Website: http://snowcityblr.com/

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